Well, yesterday passed and I was thinking I had a pretty good day when Drake pointed out that actually most of my day was spent in the library studying. And, I thought to myself, darn-it if he isn’t right. Sure, the street fair was fun and all but actually if the truth were told I spent more than 8 hours in a library.

Which brings me to my point today.

I promise I am making a point and here it goes…when you are in school you spend an extraordinary amount of time away from your family. Now, I know that I am extremely blessed that I have my sister and my sweetheart helping me raise my children. I couldn’t imagine the nightmare of doing this on your own.  I would cry a lot!!

It is already so much work that I am so emotional I end up crying over diaper commercials. The idea of being alone with just kids, errands, and school frightens me to death. My mom comes over every day and helps me clean my house too. I know, stop rolling your eyes. I really am blessed and should stop obsessing over finger smudges and toast crumbs. So, today all of my pictures were taken in my car. Because, except for the library the car is where I spend a lot of my time. I still have to get the girls the Cheer and Dance and ace that test. AAggghhh…remind again what I was thinking?

Have an amazing experience today,
